Message from our President
From the moment humans first used tools, our civilization has evolved, along with the development of science and technology.
Many diseases that were considered incurable 100 years ago are now curable, and our lifestyles and business styles have changed dramatically with the development of computers and cell phones. However, even in this age of advanced science and technology, the world faces many challenges. We see many problems arising from the rise of new technologies. At RIKEN Innovation we put society first. We are committed to using cutting-edge science and technology to create a brighter society in the future.
We would be grateful for your support in this endeavor.

President and CEO
Company Profile
・Company Name
RIKEN Innovation Co.,Ltd.
December 1, 2019
【Head office】
2-1, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 Japan
【Tokyo Office】
19th Floor, COREDO Nihonbashi, 1-4-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027 Japan
【Kobe Office】
S 204, Integrated Innovation Building, RIKEN Kobe Campus,
6-7-1 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, Japan
90 million yen
(Wholly owned subsidiary of RIKEN)
・Board of management
CEO: YAMAMOTO Takafumi (Deputy Executive Director, RIKEN)
Exective Director: NAGAI Masanori (Executive Director, RIKEN)
Exective Director: MATSUSHITA Takehiko (Deputy Executive Director, RIKEN)
Exective Director: YOSHIDA Shigemi
Our operations
- Intellectual property commercialization
- Support for startups leveraging RIKEN’s research
- Promoting collaborative research for commercial implementation of RIKEN’s research
- December 2018
Act on Improving the Capacity, and the Efficient Promotion of Research and Development through Promotion of Research and Development System Reform was enacted - January 2019
Act on Improving the Capacity, and the Efficient Promotion of Research and Development through Promotion of Research and Development System Reform took effect - September 2019
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) approved application - September 2019
RIKEN Innovation Co., Ltd. established - December 2019
RIKEN Innovation Co., Ltd. founded
Privacy Policy
Personal information obtained by our company will be strictly managed in accordance with our Personal Information Protection Policy and will never be disclosed, transferred, or loaned to any third party without justifiable reason.
Social Media Policy
RIKEN Innovation has established a Social Media Policy that outlines the attitudes, actions, and basic principles to be observed when using social media.